Town of Sharon Planning Board

Meeting Minutes of 7/27/11

Amended and Approved on 8/10/11

Sharon Community Center

Filmed by SCTV


Planning Board Attendees

Susan Price, Chair

Anne Bingham - absent

Eli Hauser, Vice Chair

Pat Pannone, Clerk

David Milowe

Peter OÕCain, Town Engineer



Michael Gelbwasser Ð Sharon Patch

Alice Cheyer

Steve Drobnis

Rebecca Tran Ð DPW Intern


Chair Report

Chair Susan Price called the meeting to order at 7:33 PM and read the ChairÕs report.


Mr. OÕCain stated that he approved the ANR Plan for 185 Edgehill Road received from David Wluka. He said that the Land Court will be reviewing the documents.


Meeting Minutes

Mr. Pannone moved to approve the meeting minutes of July 6, 2011 as amended and Mr. Milowe seconded the motion. The Board voted 3-0-1 (Milowe) in favor.


Subdivision Plans

Mr. OÕCain indicated that a Public Hearing is set for August 31st, 2011 regarding the Definitive Subdivision Plan entitled ÒStoneholm EstatesÓ in Sharon, MA dated July 1, 2011. The Plan is currently under review.


Proposed sidewalk change on Cattail Lane

Further discussion is postponed until the August 10th meeting.


Wilber School Park Proposal

Rebecca Tran, intern to Peter OÕCain, came before the Board to discuss a project she has been working on to create a park on the town owned lot next to the Wilber School Apartments. Ms. Tran stated that the one acre parcel near Station Street is underutilized. She said there are numerous multi-family housing units in the area but no green space is available. The site conditions are poor as the sun bakes the current grass. Beacon Properties, owner of the Wilber School Apartments, tried to aerate the land but it did not help. There is a small grove of pine trees but the rest of the land is comprised of weeds. Ms. Tran said she would like to introduce a formal green space for people to picnic, play Frisbee, etc. She feels the area needs bushes and shade trees as well as plants. The current budget is low and the work would be done by the DPW. She also suggested the possibility for memorial park benches or trees to be sold to help defer the cost of the plantings. To date, monies have been received from Beacon Properties and the Conservation Commission. Ms. Tran said she is asking for the support of the Board. Mr. OÕCain will contact the Community Preservation Committee Chair Corey Snow regarding any available monies.


Mr. Hauser suggested putting bicycle racks in the space as well. Mr. Pannone suggested using different paving surface materials around the benches to create specific areas of interest.


Mr. OÕCain suggested that phases of improvement could be done as well. With reference to parking, Mr. OÕCain said there are a dozen spaces in front of the Wilber property as well as a public lot in front of Post Office and near CVS.


Ms. Price said her only hesitation is if the Town would need the land for another municipal purpose.


Ms. Tran asked for a letter of support from the Board.  Mr. Pannone moved to support the plan for the Planning Board to write a letter to the Selectmen to support the idea of building a park at the Wilber School. Mr. Milowe seconded the motion and the Board voted 4-0-0 in favor of recommending the park upgrades.


Waste Water Survey

Mr. Steven Drobnis came to the Board to discuss the waste water survey that had been mailed to him. He owns property on East Chestnut Street. He wanted to express that he feels the proposal would be very costly. He is however in favor of building a more vibrant business district.


Ms. Price explained that the Economic Development Committee had received a grant to do the waste water study. She said that Roni Thaler had contacted people regarding several meetings over the years.  She said flyers were put up and ads placed in the newspaper. Reports and studies were issued. The proposed revisions to the zoning bylaws came out of the study results. The proposed zoning revisions had to do with reducing restrictions, in many cases. At Town Meeting, people got up and said the Board needed to look at the waste water problem first and the articles were not passed. While the article had the majority vote, the super majority was not made and the moderator would not allow a recount. She said that the Board has reached out to the business owners but have not heard anything. The reason for the survey is in response to the comments made at Town Meeting and to see what the owners say they want, need and are willing to do.


Mr. Drobnis indicated that the only waste water problem he was aware of was at Pizzagando Restaurant. He would like to see Sharon remain as a quaint town not a metropolis.


Mr. Hauser said that when we go back to Town Meeting, the Board can state that it knows data regarding the age of the septic systems. Now that we have the surveys back, the business owners indicate they are not interested in a large community system. He said we are creating a fact based environment and can say Òno one is interested or they areÓ.  Mr. Hauser said the Economic Development Committee was told that Post Office Square is at risk for septic issues and would not support more building or density. Mr. HauserÕs opinion is that one or two sites like the Delapa Properties are at risk and the remainder of the septic systems seems to be in tact. Mr. Hauser said we want to put in architectural standards developed in 1990. If people would read the zoning, all the language is endorsed. Mr. Hauser said that the Planning Board and Economic Development Committee want to re-energize Post Office Square and the blending of the constituencies will make it happen. He suggested that Mr. Drobnis contact Mr.  Rob Maidman of the Economic Development Committee for more information.


Mr. Hauser briefly reviewed the survey results and 11 of 50 surveys were returned which equates to 22% response rate, which is a very good rate.


Covenant Release

Mr. OÕCain stated that an unreleased covenant was found during a title search for 6 Swift Lane. Mr. Hauser moved to approve lots in WestridgeÕs Subdivision, specifically lot 14 and lot 105 related to Swift Lane. Mr. Pannone seconded the motion. The Board signed the Form J release.


Zoning Articles

Both Ms. Price and Mr. Hauser will speak with the Finance Committee at the August 1st meeting to discuss four articles for Post Office Square Zoning Bylaw Revisions. 1) Uses, Site Plan and Definitions,

       2) Affordable Housing,

       3) Dimensional Standards, and

       4) Off-Street Parking.


The fifth article would be to add a penalty for violation of the Scenic Road Regulations (initiated by Alice Cheyer). The sixth article would be to strengthen the Lot Shape regulation in the Zoning. A brief discussion ensued amongst the Board members.


Ms. Cheyer asked the Planning Board to vote to amend the scenic roads regulations; as well as asked the Board to sponsor the Scenic Road penalties article for Town Meeting.  She provided a copy of CantonÕs general bylaw as a reference, as well as the existing bylaw with her language change comments. A discussion ensued. Mr. OÕCain said he will verify the state law and Mr. Milowe wants confirmation on the enforcement of penalties suggested. He is unsure if the Planning Board has the ability to ask the Tree Warden to enforce any penalties. Mr. OÕCain will verify.

Lot Shape Factor Bylaw

The Board discussed the idea of further restricting the size of the strips of land that are not counted towards minimum lot area, by making the size of the strips that are not included slightly larger. No decision was made.


Bella Estates

No discussion.


South Coast Rail 2012 Technical Assistance

Ms. Price provided the Board with a packet of information from the Massachusetts Department of Transportation as pertains to the South Coast Rail Economic Development and Land Use Corridor Plan concerning the availability of technical assistance. The purpose of the assistance is to aid communities seeking to advance local goals that are in accordance with the Plan and the CommonwealthÕs Sustainable Development Principles.


Mr. OÕCain suggested that the monies could be used to write the Low Impact Development Bylaw.  Ms. Price said she would follow up.


40 R

Ms. Price said she will let Ben Puritz know that the Board is not pursuing the 40R district but that the MAPC has provided a draft of PO Square Smart Growth Overlay District.


Next Meeting Dates

August 10th

August 31st



Mr. Hauser moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:50 PM.  Mr. Milowe seconded the motion and the Board voted 4-0-0 in favor of adjournment.



1. June 30, 2011 FY 12 Notice of Technical Assistance Opportunity packet

2. Wilber School Site Analysis

3. July 21st, 2011 email from Chair Susan Price describing the four proposed Post Office Square Zoning Articles

4.  7/27 email from Alice Cheyer regarding proposed Town Meeting Article as pertains to Scenic Road Regulations and Town of Canton General Bylaws excerpt as pertains to Scenic Roads Bylaw.


Note: New Open Meeting Law. As of July 1, 2010 al Planning Board minutes and attachments will be available upon request by contacting the Planning Board Secretary via email at